Vsi prijavljeni filmi 2015 ANG

  # Title Author Section
152 Descending with Angels Christian Suhr Regular film program
153 Dimensions of a Fish Shehrezad Maher Regular film program
154 The silence of the flies Eliezer Arias Regular film program
155 On the way Theresa Khalil Student film
156 68 members Ramesh Khadka and Manju Bhatta Regular film program
157 A Miscellany of Families Eluned Zoe Aiano Student film
158 The Pirate and the Anthropologist Rolf Husmann Regular film program
159 Birds in the City Vsevolod Hovanskiy Student film
160 Crossroads of Culture Relja Pekić Student film
161 Four Keeps: Horse Robin Starbuck Regular film program
162 Return to Normality Tim Fabian Bartel and Jasmine Bischke Student film
163 Tribal Fusion Dance Costume Neža Vodopivec Student film
164 Virtual Me: Gender and Identity in World of Warcraft Trent Monahan, Sarah Prothero, Jennifer Torson Student film
165 Fish’R’us Maciej Glowinski Student film
166 Dowsing the Past: Materialities of Civil War Memories Konstantinos Kalantzis Regular film program
167 The Children Arber Jashari Student film
168 D do D. An Attempt at an Introduction to Derzhavin\’s Biography Kirill Adibekov Regular film program
169 What life is like here Marlene Wynants Student film
170 Rehoused Mario Sturny Student film
171 Always in Motion – Freerunning and Parkour Stefan Postl Student film
172 Hegel and the Butterfly Bartosz Warwas Student film
173 The Protocols of the Elders of Zion Bartosz Warwas Student film
174 Community Candle Iryna Volakh Regular film program
175 Making an Interior Door by Hand Nadja Valentinčič Furlan, Slovenski etnografski muzej Regular film program
176 Bonne Nuit Papa Marina Kem Regular film program

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