Days of Ethnographic Film 2025

We are pleased to announce that the program of the DEF 2025 festival is ready! The screenings
will take place between February 27 and March 1 at the Slovenian Cinematheque. The festival
schedule has been published, as well as the list of all films with detailed information. The festival booklet is also available.

You are invited to take a look!

Submissions are closed

Submissions for the DEF 2025 are now closed. A total of 152 films were submitted this year.
The pre-selection of films will be made by Miha Peče and Manca Filak, and the final program
will be chosen by this year’s selection committee, composed of Tanja Bukovčan and Tihana
Rubić (University of Zagreb), Naško Križnar, Miha Peče and Manca Filak (ZRC SAZU).

The festival will take place from February 27 to March 1, 2025 at the Slovenian Cinematheque. The program is expected to be announced at the beginning of next year.

You can also follow us on the festival’s Facebook and Instagram pages.

Deadline extension

The submission deadline for the Days of Ethnographic Film 2025 has been extended by one
week, until Monday, October 7, 2024.

The event will take place from February 27 to March 1, 2025 at the Slovenian Cinematheque.
The regulations and the registration form can be found on the website.

Looking forward to seeing your films!

Days of ethnographic film 2024

Using visual approaches in student research: regional parallels

The biennial seminar format of the Days of Ethnographic Film aims to deepen reflection on topics and approaches in visual ethnography and visual anthropology. The focus is on video productions that have been created as part of student research projects, with an emphasis on reflecting on experiences in the application of various methodological approaches in visual anthropology. Works and short films will be presented that were created during the course of studies at the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology in Ljubljana and Zagreb as well as at the University of Münster. The seminar includes a presentation of the book Thinking with a Camera. Theories and Practices of Visual Ethnography (Tanja Bukovčan, Aleksej Gotthardi Pavlovsky, 2023). Continue reading

A few words before the festival begins

The international festival DEF, as a significant setting of visual ethnography and ethnographical film, offers viewerships insight into the various realities of contemporary time and the circumstances shaping our human everyday. At the same time, a look at presented films sheds light on potential methodological shifts and differences in the theoretical approaches within ethnology and (visual) anthropology. Continue reading

Submission for DEF 2023 closed

Thanks to all authors for cooperation.

The organizers are now focusing on the review and selection of films for the festival programm. This will be determined and published online in mid-January 2023. The festival will take place between February 23 and 26 at the Slovenian Cinematheque.

Film registration for DEF 2023

We are opening the online submission for the DEF 2023 festival. The event will be held in March 2023 and will take place at the Slovenian Cinematheque.

Submissions are possible until November 1, 2022, please read also our regulations. The registration form can be found here. You are welcome!