The festival has two sections, Student films and Regular program.
The selection committee appointed by the organizer will select from the submitted films and make the festival programs.
All films and videos dealing with ethnology, anthropology, sociology or cultural studies in a wide sense, made not more than three years before the actual festival DEF, are eligible.
We accept preview copies through web service: Vimeo, Dropbox, FTP, etc. Films with non-English dialogs should have English subtitles.
The filmmakers with selected films will be kindly asked to submit also the high quality festival copy of the film, which can be send by land mail or be on disposal for download from the server by internet service (Dropbox, Vimeo, …) or with FTP protocol.
The selection committee has a right to refuse the copy of the film which is not fit for projection.
We don’t pay screening fee. If we get enough founds, we provide accommodation for authors for two nights.
All preview copies will remain with the organizing institutions as a part of their collection for research purposes only.
Deadline for entries and accompanied material: October 1 in year before the festival.
Festival copy of the selected film can also be send on this address:
Audio-Visual Laboratory
Novi trg 2
1000 Ljubljana