Days of Etnographic Film

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(27th February – 1st March, 2025)
The Slovenian Cinematheque
Miklošičeva cesta 28
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
The Slovenian Cinematheque


Manca Filak


B&B Hotel Ljubljana Park
Tabor 9, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
T +386 1 300 2 500 (individual reservation)
B&B Hotel Ljubljana Park


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From the Jože Pučnik Airport Ljubljana (Zgornji Brnik 130a, Brnik) to B&B Hotel Ljubljana Park:
(26 km / 30 – 45 mins)
Airport transport
From the main bus/railway station (Trg OF 4, Ljubljana) to the B&B Hotel Ljubljana Park (Tabor 9, Ljubljana): (0.8 km / a 10-minute walk)
Starting from the main bus/railway station (Trg Osvobodilne fronte 4, Ljubljana) turn left into Masarykova Street and follow it until the crossroads with Metelkova Street, where you turn right in the direction of the Health Centre and the Slovene Ethnographic Museum, continue through the park Tabor and you will see Hotel Park in front of you. From B&B Hotel Ljubljana Park (Tabor 9, Ljubljana) to The Slovenian Cinematheque (Miklošičeva cesta 28, Ljubljana): 800 m / a 10-minute walk.