About movie

Edited footage integrated into exhibitions of the Slovene Ethnographic Museum

Original title Urejeno gradivo na razstavah Slovenskega etnografskega muzeja


Visual footage with commentary – The author will present three examples of edited ootage, integrated into exhibitions of the Slovene Ethnographic Museum. Winegrowers’ Year (10 minutes) and Collecting the kalantura (must) (8 minutes) are part of the exhibiion Anew the vines have fruited Andrej Dular filmed the footage in several locations in Bela krajina from 1991 to 1994. In 1994, he documented also setting up a maypole performed by the village community of Drašiči in Bela krajina. Setting up a maypole will be integrated into the forthcoming exhibitionI, we and others – The images of my world. Mostly we have followed the principle to first edit the integral version, then shortening it for the exhibition for the example, the footage on maypole is 103 minutes long, the integral version 22 minutes and the condensed one 5 minutes

Author/s Andrej Dular

English – Andrej Dular (Slovenski etnografski muzej) – magister etnologije, muzejski svetnik
Področje delovanja
Obrti, muzeologija, vinogradništvo.

Research Andrej Dular
Photography Andrej Dular
Sound Andrej Dular
Editing Nadja Valentinčič Furlan