About movie

Long live free education!

Original title Naj živi brezplačno izobraževanje!


On September 11, 2012, the president of the Republic of Peru Ollanta Humala adopted the Higher Education Act 22914 in parliament. Article 7 of this act, states that public universities have to pay newly habilitated staff from their own budgets. This provision has upset the staff and students of the southern universities in Peru – the UNA (Puno), UNJBG (Tacna), UNSA (Arequipa), and UNAA (Cuzco) – because its implementation means an additional financial burden to the students, who cannot afford higher costs and will have to drop out of education. The film follows the protests of the students and staff of the Altiplano National University (UNA) in Puno against the disputed act and the privatisation of public education.

Author/s Miha Poredoš

English – Miha Poredoš, univ. dipl. etnolog in kulturni antropolog, se ukvarja z angažirano in vizualno antropologijo, antropologijo družbenih gibanj ter religijskimi študijami. Njegovi etnografski filmi (Izbrisani, Zlata polenta, Dežnikarica) so bili predvajani na filmskih festivalih doma in v tujini.

Research Miha Poredoš
Photography Miha Poredoš
Sound Miha Poredoš
Editing Miha Poredoš