About movie

Alma- vox populi

Original title Alma- vox populi


The visual material that is being presented was made in the context of the museological project Alma – Vox populi, which tells about the extraordinary woman Alma Maximiliana Karlin (Celje, 1889-1950). On the tapes we present different personal memories of individuals who remember her as a neighbour, as a brave person who escaped from cannibals or as a woman who went to the slovene partizans. By watching the material, we are able to see Alma through the eyes of ordinary people. To the author of the project it was a challenge to show the film material in the exhibition in a new way. That‘s why there was cooperation with an artist – heritage became inpiration for art and art a form of presenting heritage.

Author/s Tanja Roženbergar Šega

English – mag. Tanja Roženbergar
univ. dipl. etnologinja in prof. sociologije

Research Tanja Roženbergar Šega
Photography Aleš Šega
Sound (0)
Editing Jaka Kovačič