About movie

Memories for Sale

Original title Vendemos Recuerdos


Doña Rosa is an indigenous old woman who sells crafts in the market. Carlos is an enthusiastic tour guide who offers tours into indigenous people’s houses and families, including Paola’s. Their lives are dedicated to provide what a group of inquisitive tourists -and a filmmaker- might be looking for in an indigenous and picturesque region in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas.

Author/s Carolina Corral

Carolina Corral Paredes graduated from the MA in Visual Anthropology in 2009 from the University of Manchester and enrolled in the Social Anthropology with Visual Media PhD program at the same University. She is currently developing a collaborative project involving film that will look at the lives of former prisoners in Mexico.

Research Carolina Corral
Photography Carolina Corral
Sound Carolina Corral
Editing Carolina Corral