About movie

Happiness is a densely unpopulated place

Original title Densamente spopolata è la felicità


For hundreds of years, on the Murgia plateau, on the border between Apulia and Basilicata (in the south of Italy), man walked with his flocks, under the sun and wind. Today, an old shepherd is stubbornly repeating the same gestures and meeting the same fate as his ancestors. A fate made of sky, rocks and solitude.

Author/s Francesco Dongiovanni

Francesco Dongiovanni was born in 1978 in Gioia del Colle, a small town in the province of Bari, Apulia (Italy). He studied literature, theater and cinema and is a secondary school teacher of Latin, Italian literature and History. He has been interested in myth, ethnology and anthropological cinema for a long time. This is his first film.

Research Francesco Dongiovanni, Rosario Milano
Photography Vincenzo Pastore
Sound Vincenzo Pastore
Editing Francesco Dongiovanni, Vincenzo Pastore