About movie

Women Moving Forward

Original title Mujeres Pa’lante


There are more than 500,000 domestic workers living in Spain today. The large majority are migrant women from Latin American countries. This documentary is a collaboration between the organisation, Mujeres Pa´lante (Women Forwards) and the anthropologist Tanja Wol, that visually creates a portrait of Latin American migrant women living in Barcelona. Through the stories of three women and we get an insight into the reality many migrant women live in. We learn about their motivations for migrating to Catalonia, and why they choose to keep living outside of their native country. Despite the discrimination and abuse they experience, these women confront the challenges they face, they attempt to change the reality in which they live, and above all, they continue to fight for their dreams.

Author/s Tanja Wol Sorensen

Tanja is a Danish filmmaker and Anthropologist born in 1982 in Seoul, South Korea. Before starting university she spent three years travelling and working extensively in most of the Latin American countries. After finishing her BA in Ethnography and Anthropology at Aarhus University late 2009, she spent a year working as a Peace Observer in Colombia. Here she accompanied politically persecuted social movements, and made short videos about their work. Tanja gained an MA in Visual Anthropology from the University of Manchester, UK in 2012. She is now currently studying an MA in Anthropology at Copenhagen University where she continues to incorporate visual anthropology and documentary filmmaking. In February 2013 she is embarking on a six-month fieldwork trip to Colombia, where she will be making an ethnographic documentary about everyday-life insecurity in a context of armed conflict.

Research Tanja Wol Sorensen
Photography Tanja Wol Sorensen
Sound Tanja Wol Sorensen
Editing Tanja Wol Sorensen