About movie

‘Skin has Eyes and Ears’ Audio-visual Ethnography in a Sepik Society

Original title ‘Skin has Eyes and Ears’ Audio-visual Ethnography in a Sepik Society


The film is an audio-visual part of PhD thesis bearing the same title. ‘Skin has Eyes and Ears’ is a saying of the Ambonwari people living in the Karawari region of East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea. It tells how a person perceives and communicates with the external world through seeing and hearing. The film is an exploration into sensory experience of place and time among the Ambonwari during one-year fieldwork in 2011. It explores the limits of sensory mediation through the screen while in the same time it plays with the infinite options of stimulation and interconnectedness of the senses possible only through the film experience.

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Author/s Daniela Vavrova

Daniela Vavrova was born in Czechoslovakia. In 1999 she left Slovakia and has remained on the road ever since. As part of her MA thesis, she made a short experimental portrait entitled Enet Yapai: An Ambonwari Girl (2008) of Papua New Guinea, which is about the interaction between the filmed and the filmmaker, as well as the camera itself. In February 2010 she began her PhD at The Cairns Institute at James Cook University. She has conducted long-term fieldwork in Ambonwari village with a focus on sensory ethnography, visual communication, and ethnographic filmmaking. She is a founding member of reflectangulo 361′ (rachel.reflectangulo.net) and of ALTAR (Anthropological Laboratory for Tropical Audiovisual Research) at James Cook University in Cairns, Australia.

Research Daniela Vavrova
Photography Daniela Vavrova
Sound Daniela Vavrova
Editing Daniela Vavrova