About movie

Transnational Fiesta: Twenty Years Later

Original title Transnational Fiesta: Twenty Years Later


An Andean migrant family travels from Maryland, U.S., to their hometown Cabanaconde, Peru, to celebrate the annual patron saint fiesta they first sponsored two decades earlier. The film explores cultural change and continuity in the indigenous Andean community, fiesta, and migrant colony, first documented in film Transnational Fiesta: 1992. It follows a migrant family back and forth between the U.S. and Peru over a period of three years, as they travel to celebrate the patron saint fiesta in Cabanaconde, and also participate in the diaspora version of the fiesta in Maryland. Our sequel shows in vivid detail the remarkable persistence of Andean culture over time and space, as well as the ruptures imposed by global capitalism, generational differences, and other forces of change.

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Author/s Wilton Martinez

Wilton Martinez is a Peruvian visual anthropologist, ethnographic filmmaker, and founding president of the Center for Visual Anthropology of Peru. He has a doctoral degree in social anthropology and a master’s degree in visual anthropology from the University of Southern California, and teaches at both the University of Maryland University College and the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru. He has conducted research on the reception of ethnographic and cross-cultural media and is also an applied visual anthropologist with consulting experience in development projects, social advocacy, and community media-based projects in Peru and other countries. His website, Ethnovisions.net, is featured in the American Anthropological Association website and is widely used as a research and teaching resource.

Research Paul H. Gelles
Photography Wilton Martinez
Sound Ivan Curioso
Editing Wilton Martinez