About movie


Original title Kosma


For ten years now, the sound of the KOSMA radio network is the only thing connecting highly isolated Serbian communities in Kosovo. The sound of the radio travels through deserted areas and abandoned houses, breaking thus the barriers that their listeners themselves cannot surmount. Electricity and water cutoffs, fear, helicopters flying over, attacks and protests are woven into simple human stories, acts and aspirations. In this place laden with rich and vivid history and tradition, the radio voices bear witness to everyday life, human connections, significant events and ever-present hope.

Author/s Sonja Blagojević

Sonja Blagojević, born in 1980. in Belgrade, where she graduated in film and TV directing from the Faculty of Drama Arts. Directed several documentaries and short fiction films screened at international festivals, TV series and art programs. Works as a free-lance director, assistant director and also as a producer of the \”Magnificent 7\” Documentary Film Festival in Belgrade.

Research Sonja Blagojević
Photography Sonja Blagojević
Sound Aleksandar Protić
Editing Nemanja Babić, Sonja Blagojević