About movie

Cast in India

Original title Cast in India


Iconic and ubiquitous, thousands of manhole covers dot the streets of New York City. Enlivening the everyday objects around us, this short film is a glimpse of the working lives of the men behind the manhole covers in New York City.

Trailer Click for view

Author/s Natasha Raheja

Natasha Raheja is a PhD candidate of Anthropology at New York University. She holds a a graduate Certificate in Culture and Media from NYU, where she trained in filmmaking at the Tisch School of the Arts; an MA in Asian Cultures in Languages from the University of Texas at Austin; and bachelors degrees in Biology and Asian Studies from the University of Texas at Austin.

Research Natasha Raheja
Photography Natasha Raheja
Sound Natasha Raheja
Editing Natasha Raheja