About movie

The Fading Valley

Original title HaEmek HaNe’elam


In the fertile Jordan Valley there is a group of Palestinian farmers who are hidden from the eye. Their pastures have been declared military areas, their water wells have been closed up and the water has been diverted to the Jewish residents of the valley. Without water there is no life – and agriculture is disappearing. Some have given up and moved to the city. Others have been forced to work in the very settlements that have taken over their own lands. This film bears witness to the lives of these farmers whose rights have been taken away and who have become like illegal residents in their own land. These residents are quietly disappearing from the beautiful valley which is the lowest valley in the world.

Author/s Irit Gal

Irit Gal deals with violation of human rights and the impact of political conflicts on individuals. Her films have been screened and won prizes in international film festivals. Gal directed films in the occupied Israeli territories, documented areas affected by natural disasters, was the head editor of numerous television programs and was the director of the documentary department of Telad (Israel Channel 2). Among them: “Heavy Waters Run Deep”. “Harmed Forces” about the trauma victims. “After the War.” “Gilad Shalit: 2 Years in Captivity.” “White City – Black City.” “White Night.”

Research Salwa Alinat
Photography Daniel Gal
Sound Avi Mizrachi
Editing Rabab Haj Yahya