About movie

Those Young Ones

Original title Aquells joves


In 1982, with Jaume García´s help, social educator who worked with young boys and their families at Canyelles (a working-class neighbourhood in Barcelona), filmed a documentary (The neighbourhood´s youth). There, this generation had a voice, in the middle of a marginal and hostile social environment. After 30 years, new documentary makers come back to the neighbourhood, seeking for the main protagonists of that movie. Although, just a few one still live to talk about that experience. The social educator and the some of this young boys (now adults), will find out what really happen in that place.

Author/s Ferran Andrés

Audio-visual Communication graduate, at Universidad de Valencia. During 2010-2011 period he did realization internships in different Tv shows of Autonómica Valenciana Tv (RTVV-C9). He worked as a writer in the cultural magazine Bocabadat (2009-2011), contributing to the film, tv and literature sections. He did the Master in Creative Documentary Making, at Autonomus University of Barcelona. Those Young Ones (2012) is his first documentary.

Research Ferran Andrés Martí, Cristina González, Ana Cecilia Rodríguez, Daniel Castell
Photography Ferran Andrés Martí
Sound Ana Cecilia Rodríguez
Editing Ferran Andrés Martí