About movie

Juarké: Boys made men in mboum society

Original title Juarké


In Mboum society, male circumcision is an old-age tradition. Until recently, circumcision was highly regarded as a period of initiation leading to a man’s status. During the period of seclusion, selected teenagers are sent to the bush where they are taught about cultural codes, and traditional knowledge. With the arrival of the modern school, this mode of teaching has phased out. Therefore, very often, there are conflicts between the older and younger generations, especially those who were born and raised far from their community. The film shows how circumcision is preformed in this community and how the community is dealing with pressures like modernity, and the efforts make to keep stable a social order resulting from this practice.

Author/s Mohamadou Saliou

I am Mohamadou Saliou, Cameroonian studying visual anthropology at the University of Tromsø. I am a former graduated student in history at the University of Ngaoundere (Cameroon). In 2008, I joined the University of Tromsø to fulfil my interest in making film, especially ethnographic films. My first short film entitled \” Baby S.A.T.S: Wellbeing and socialisation\” is about women who do gym to recover their shape after delivering. Juarké: Boys made men in Mboum society is my major film and is part of my Master of Philosophy degree in Visual anthropology at the university of Tromsø.

Photography Mohamadou Saliou
Sound Mohamadou Saliou
Editing Mohamadou Saliou