About movie

Anything But Black

Original title Anything But Black


\’You\’re born and you will die\’ confidently declares an eighty year old woman trying on her future \’death dress\’. Still widely practiced amongst the elderly population in rural Lithuania, the ancient custom of preparing your own burial clothes seems much less acceptable to the younger generation. Anything But Black explores this unique tradition through encounters with those who still maintain it – proudly showing off the dresses as their sacred possession; those who express their disapproval and also those to whom this practice is completely unheard of. The film proposes a rather unconventional attitude towards death – that of acceptance. This death is more tame, less sinister and – as the film often shows – even humorous.

Author/s Ausra Linkeviciute

Ausra Linkeviciute is an emerging documentary filmmaker based in London. Her graduation film Anything But Black is currently being screened at numerous international documentary and ethnographic film festivals. With a focus on social and human rights issues Ausra has been working as a filmmaker/editor for various charities, NGOs as well as short and feature length films and aims to pursue a career in documentary film production.

Research Ausra Linkeviciute
Photography Ausra Linkeviciute
Sound Ausra Linkeviciute
Editing Ausra Linkeviciute