About movie

Christmas Dinner

Original title Christmas Dinner


From January to Easter, cod move south from the Barents Sea to spawn in the northern Norwegian islands of Lofoten. Most of the catch is exported to Portugal and Brazil, to a tune of 400,000 tons in 2020. The film follows the cod from the sea in Norway to the dinner table in Portugal.

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Author/s Frode Storaas and Catarina Alves Costa

Frode Storaas is a professor emeritus in visual anthropology at the University Museum of Bergen, Norway. As an anthropologist his main work has been in Eastern Africa. As filmmaker he has worked in several countries.
Catarina Alves Costa is a filmmaker and a visual anthropologist. She has been directing films since 1992, won various international prizes and published different works on documentary and ethnographic film. She is currently an assistant professor of Visual Culture at the Department of Anthropology Nova University in Lisbon, and a researcher at CRIA.