About movie

Harbour of the Past

Original title Haven van het Verleden


An observational short documentary about one of the last undeveloped streets of Amsterdam: Harbour Street. In large warehouses people trade second-hand goods and restore old objects and vehicles, such as army trucks and antique trams. The film follows the 80-year old Loe, for whom Harbour Street is his daily habitat. Not for much longer, though. Inevitably, the warehouses must make way for apartment flats. With pain in his heart Loe starts clearing out his workspace.
Harbour of the Past is a film about future and past, keeping and throwing away, cherishing and letting go.

Author/s Lotte Haase

Lotte Haase is a visual anthropologist and documentary filmmaker. Her student film Dreams and Sacrifices appeared at a variety of film festivals worldwide. Besides working on her own documentaries, she makes films for governmental organizations and social institutions, and teaches film to children and university students.

Research Lotte Haase
Photography Lotte Haase, Marco Nauta
Sound Mikko Kolehmeinen
Editing Lotte Haase, Allard Detiger