About movie

An Extraordinary Wedding: Marriage and Modernity in Highlands, Papua New Guinea

Original title An Extraordinary Wedding: Marriage and Modernity in Highlands, Papua New Guinea


An Extraordinary Wedding is a film about contemporary marital exchanges in the Western Highlands of Papua New Guinea. The film presents the complex relationships entangled in the web of bride-price exchanges associated with a particular marriage, characterized as “extraordinary” by many of the participants. The film asks the viewer to reflect upon the significance of such exchanges in relation to globalization, modernity and social change. Through still frame and direct speeches captured during the ceremonies, the film seeks to draw viewers into the events as participants.

Author/s Rosita Henry and Daniela Vavrova

Rosita Henry is a Professor of Anthropology at James Cook University. Her research concerns relationships between people and places across Australia and the Pacific as expressed through cultural festivals, the politics of public performances, cultural heritage, material culture, land tenure conflict and the relationship between Indigenous peoples and the state.

Daniela Vavrova is an Adjunct Research Fellow, Director of the AV Lab, and a founder of ALTAR (Anthropological Laboratory for Tropical Audiovisual Research) at the Cairns Institute and College of Arts, Society and Education, James Cook University in Australia. Since 2005 her field site is situated in the Ambonwari village of East Sepik Province of Papua New Guinea.

Research Rosita Henry
Photography Rosita Henry, Daniela Vavrova
Sound Rosita Henry, Daniela Vavrova
Editing Daniela Vavrova