About movie

Breaking the Silence

Original title Breaking the Silence


In the longest running armed conflict in the world, political violence against the people who actively oppose the war and the political elite, is taking place in a systematic way. Breaking the Silence is an intimate portrayal of Ruby and Luz, two human rights activists in Colombia, who live with political violence and insecurity on an everyday basis. The reality for most human rights activists in Colombia is not one of warfare spectacle, nor one of stability and peace, but it is one of constant fear and insecurity. I have long wondered what it means for the people who take on the responsibility of speaking for the victims of the conflict, to live with such a subtle form of repression, where they never know where or when danger is lurking.

Author/s Tanja Wol Sorensen

Tanja is a Danish filmmaker and Visual Anthropologist. Tanja holds an MA in Visual Anthropology from the University of Manchester, UK in 2012, and an MSc in Anthropology from Copenhagen University, Denmark in 2014. Tanja has done extensive fieldwork in Colombia, Spain, and UK, investigating gender, conflict, human rights, social movements, and power.

Research Tanja Wol Sorensen
Photography Tanja Wol Sorensen
Sound Tanja Wol Sorensen
Editing Tanja Wol Sorensen