About movie

Stăm – We are staying

Original title Stăm – We are staying


Two filmmakers spend time getting to know Ruth and Natalia, two young Romanian women who grew up together in the Transylvania village Malancrav. One if them is a Gypsy, then other is a Saxon; one left the village, the other chose to stay. The only thing they seem
to share is their friendship. The film explores the relationship of the two women and questions our understanding of social and ethnic belonging, migration, money, rural life and the search for one’s roots.

Author/s Charlotte Gregoire & Anne Schiltz

Anne Schiltz
was born in Luxembourg in 1975 and studied anthropology and cognitive sciences. From 2005 to 2008 she worked as a cultural project coordinator (Luxembourg-Sibiu, European Capitals of Culture 2007); After several years of work in Romania, she started directing.
-Orangerie, codirected with Benoît Majerus, Samsa Film, 54’, 2013
-Common Ground, codirected with Charlotte Grégoire, Eklektik Producti
ons & Samsa Film, 84′, 2012
-STAM – We are staying, codirected with Charlotte Grégoire, Samsa Film,
54’, 2007
Charlotte Grégoire
was born in Belgium in January 1975. She studied music, dance, social anthropology, visual anthropology and documentary filmmaking. She graduated in Anthropology from the ULB, Brussels, and obtained a postgraduate degree in Visual Anthropology from the University of Manchester, UK. She is now a filmmaker, having worked for several years for Odyssee Productions (Brussels) and as the administrator of the Atelier Jeunes Cinéastes (2003-2007).
-STAM, nous restons là (2007) – Documentaire, coréalisation avec An Schiltz, Samsa films,
54’, primé à l’Astra film Sibiu, Roumanie 4 vidéos à partir de l’œuvre de
l’artiste/éditeur Thorsten Baensch (2004)
-Autonomies et Dépendances (2002), 15′
-Chicken2002 – Vidéo-performance pour Kitchen, la cuisine
transportable, 10’
-André et Nandi (2001) – Documentaire, Granada center, 25’

Photography Caroline Schuler
Sound Alain Goniva
Editing Misch Bervard