About movie

We are alright till now

Original title Dobri sme dosega


Cveta and Dimche, Menka and Blagoja, are aged members of two lonely families. They live with the thought that the train arriving and leaving from the village every day would one day bring some of their numerous children and grandchildren to visit them.

Author/s Vladimir Bocev

Vladimir Bocev
Born in Skopje, Macedonia in 1961. Graduated ethnology at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. In 2006 acquired the title Master of Arts at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje with the thesis Visual Ethnology of Macedonian Deserted Villages in Ritual Times of Festivities. Employed in the Museum of Macedonia as ethnologist curator for the collection of customs and traditional music instruments. Accomplished research projects Rituals with Masks and the international project Sacrifice in the Customs of Macedonians.
Staged several one-man exhibitions. Author of many films participating in official competition on numerous ethnographic film festivals in Europe. Some of the films were awarded.

Research Vladimir Bocev
Photography Vladimir Bocev
Sound Vladimir Bocev
Editing Branko Ristovski