About movie

Trumpets’ Republic

Original title Trubačka republika


In Serbia trumpets play when children are born. They are also played for their baptism, when boys leave to do their military service, when they come back, when they get married and when they move to their new house. They are played in the popular feasts where people dance and sing, but they also play in funerals: trumpet music accompanies the deceased also in his last trip. Not surprisingly, the trumpet became an emotional part of the life of Serbian people.

Author/s Stefano Missio & Alessandro Gori

Born in Udine in 1972, he studied cinema at “Sorbonne” in Paris and he graduated at “Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia” in Rome in 1997; since then he has made various documentaries in film and digital. He began his career with the work Quando l’Italia non era un paese povero (16 mm, 43 min) a short feature about Mattei’s ENI and Italy in the Sixties seen by Joris Ivens (presented at “Festival Internazionale Cinema Giovani” in Turin, 1997, in competition at “International Documentary Filmfestival” – IDFA in Amsterdam 1997). In 1998 he carried out Siamo troppo sazi (We are full up) (35 mm, 18 min), a documentary film concerning characters and inns belonging to a borderline area (in competition at “Torino Film Festival”). In 1999 he worked with the “Cineteca Nazionale” (Rome) for the realisation of a documentary film about Nobel Prize Rita Levi Montalcini. In 2000 he directed Scusi, dov’è il Nord Est? (North of Rome, East of Milan) (digibetacam, 47 minutes), produced by Fandango in association with La Sept ARTE and Tele+ (in competition at “Torino Film Festival”and at “Premio Libero Bizzarri 2001”) Since Autumn, 2000 is the director of www.ildocumentario.it, an internet web site about documentary film in Italy.

Research Alessandro Gori
Photography Stefano Missio
Sound Alessandro Gori
Editing Marco Perez, Stefano Missio