About movie

Človek iz Srednjega.

Original title L’ uomo di Stregna


English – Ženjo, človek iz Srednjega v Benečiji, je hlapec, ki v zameno za nehvaležno delo dobi pri gospodarju kruh in ležišče. Njegovo zgodbo je v začetku šestdesetih let posnel mlad filmski navdušenec Paolo Rojatti na 8 mm filmski trak v črnobeli tehniki. Nastal je igrano dokumentani dolgometražni film, ki je verjetno prvi film iz Nadiških dolin. Prikazuje preteklost kmečkega okolja in vaške skupnosti, ki ju danes ni več. Je redek dokument, pomemben tudi za preučevalce kulture. Prenovitelji filma so zaslužni, da je danes dostopen tako strokovnemu kot tudi laičnemu občinstvu.

Author/s Paolo Rojatti

Paolo Rojatti
was born in 1941. He grew up in the village of Srednje/Stregna in the valley of the Nadiža River in the north-eastern Italy, on the border with Slovenia. During his childhood, Rojatti grew fond of photography. His interest in image was present at the time of his studies, and he bought an 8 mm film camera while studying in Udine. He wanted to realize the idea of filming the everyday of a villager striving to overcome the struggles of everyday in a traditional rural environment. The result of Rojattiճ efforts was The Man of Srednje/Stregna, filmed between 1961 and 1963. It remained Rojattiճ only film, but in spite of the fact that it was his debut as a director, Paolo Rojatti displayed great artistic sensibility and maturity. In the mid 1980s the author copied the original material onto the Super 8 mm and edited a shorter new version of the movie that he entitled Bread Master (Panne padrone). Rojatti is currently looking for recordings, containing authentic images of the lost rural environment to make a new movie.

Research Paolo Rojatti
Photography Paolo Rojatti, Alvaro Petricig
Sound Massimo Toniutti
Editing Paolo Comuzi